Exercises and info
Highly sensitive person
Highly Sensitive People make up about 15-20% of the population The concepts of “Emotional Intelligence” and “Sensory Processing Sensitivity” overlap with this topic. The Highly Sensitive Persons can easily think outside the box but can overthink things. They often get...
Headaches occur when the pain nerves in the head are irritated.We most commonly see people with the Tension Headache Type, which is usually associated with tension and inflammation in the upper neck or scalp. The next most common is Migraine, which is an intense...
Do you prefer to walk along the beach – with the sea on the left or the right?
When you are walking along the beach this summer ask yourself if you prefer walking one direction rather than the other. This could be because your legs are different lengths!Normal people (50%) have a 5 mm difference in leg length. If you are well adapted to this you...
Nature’s Tonics
An article published in the Osteopathic Magazine 1925 is still relevant today. Too little attention has been paid to the necessity of rest as a conserver of force, as a means of maintaining health and consequently happiness: too little has been said on the subject of...
Running is a Great Way to Enjoy Fitness
With the Auckland Marathon coming up in early November there will be many of you out pounding the pavement. Hopefully not pounding! People who run heavy on their feet (or even heavy walkers) set up a lot of trauma in the body that the body has to recover and heal from...